Saturday, October 20, 2012

So You Want to Make Pixel Art (Part 1)

     First off, just want to say I am by no means really great pixel artist. I'm still learning, but while I learn I still feel like I might be able to offer decent insight. Also, maybe even help others who are just starting out. So, I will also be linking other tutorials I found useful here as well.

    Alright, so let's get started. There are many different programs you can use when it comes to making pixel art. All pixel art really is when you get down to it is graphics done pixel by pixel, or close to that. I myself use photoshop when doing pixel art mainly just because I'm used to the interface after using it for my drawings. However, i know you can easily make pixel art in MS Paint (it's how I used to edit my old RTP graphics), but there are also programs like GraphicsGale:
You'll want to take some time to get familiar with the interface, so just mess around for a little bit. It won't help you any trying to learn how to draw while trying to learn what tool does what. One battle at a time~

    Once you have gotten the hang of it, now we can begin. First thing we'll start with is creating our first character pixel art. Well, first we have to pick a style, or make our own! One thing I can't stress enough is go play a lot of SNES games. Seriously, take notes while you play, and notice the detail. Go pop open an emulator and such. Also is a great place to look up sprites.

So let's look at different styles.

As you can see, we have a lot of different styles out there. From small sprites, to bigger sprites. Usually when you are starting out though, it's best to start small. Even if you manage to complete 1 frame nicely, smaller sprites are easier to animate. So let's dive in.

Usually when I am beginning on a sprite, I start with a simple black outline. Starting with the head, that's where I begin and I'll talk about proportions next.

Take note in the general shape of the face. Pick how wide you want it. You can do 4~5 (or more) for the base. Now let's finish the general shape of the head.

Now add the eyes~
 Sweet, now we have a general outline for our head. Now we need the rest of our body. Here comes the proportions part. As you saw above, we have many different sizes of characters pixel wise. FFV's sprites (outside of battle) are about 2 heads high. Where as the Terranigma sprite is about 3.5 heads high. My general rule to start off is try to keep around 2.5~ish heads high. Mainly if you are working within a 32x32 square. If you are working in RPG Maker, just take note that each tile is 32x32, so making a huge sprite might not fit with most graphics, unless you went and made a custom tileset just for that. So let's try to get the basic outline of the feet/hands, to which I call my "land marks".
Much like drawing, sometimes it's always good to have reference photos. Don't be afraid to be doing some pixel art side by side with another image. It'll save you the time so you won't have to go back and make so many edits later on. You won't be able to project everything from your mind, on to the sprite sheet in one go. Now to finish up, let's try outlining the rest of the body.
Looks a little silly doesn't it? Well, worry not. This is just the beginning. Eventually we'll have a sprite looking something similar to this

Not too fond of the proportion size? Now would be the time to edit it. This is where I'll end the first part of the tutorial. Next up will be bringing the color in and start designing our first character! So, I'll leave off with some links to other useful pixel art tutorials. You should give these a look at~

Pixel Art (Textures) - By Kiwinuptuo:
Supajackle's Pixel Tutorials:
Ocean's Pixel Art Tutorials:

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